Margie running from JD & Joe Ed
Betty Jo & Austin looking things over
Myrtle & Tootsie planning the evening
Billy with a host of others, Troy etc.
The men planning against the women....
Joey is running the meeting of the men...
Steve, Dorothy, Abe & Blanche
Debbie, Mickey, Margie & Annette
Annette, Mickey, Margie & Peggy
Tristan & Addison & Diane
Margie, Mickey, Tootsie & Peggy
Troy figuring it all out.
Now this is what we call a BLUEBERRY CAKE!!
This is the dessert table.....
This is the dessert table.....
The food line is moving along
Tootsie is getting the rolls ready
The food line moving right along
What has Betty Jo got on her mind?
Another view of the food line
Margie & Debbie holding Earl while he sleeps
Margie, Earl (asleep), Debbie & Stevie
Margie and Earl looking great!!!
Debbie & Stevie looking great too!!!
Wanda & Eddie looking for food....
Billy, Tristan & Joey looking for their food..
Don't remember their name, I think Nicole
I think this is husband & Nicole with Baby
Lots of pictures of lots of food.
Earl, ??, Gene, Margie & Judy
Tootsie, Peggy, Troy, Margie, JD & Dorothy
Tootsie, Peggy, Troy, Margie, JD & Dorothy
The Estes's with their spouses
The Estes's with their spouses
Betty Jo & Mickey cleaning up
The party is winding down
Austin, Earl, JD, Peggy and Tony
Wanda, Judy, Margie & Johnnie
Wanda, Judy, Margie, Johnnie & Gene
Troy making sure they do it right.
Margie, Wanda, Judy & Johnnie
Johnnie looking confused.
Johnnie taking picture of Margie & Earl's family
Tootsie, Peggy, Troy Margie, JD and Dorothy
Of course I can take pictures!!
The whole family present with spouses
The whole family present with spouses
Earl is looking for the dessert.....
Peggy, Austin, Johnnie & Dorothy
Tony, Mickey, Peggy, Austin, Johnnie, Troy, Dorothy & Earl
Austin, Johnnie, Dorothy & Troy
Joe Ed looking suspicious.....
Johnnie showing picture to Myrtle
Tootsie and Joe Ed looking great!!
Johnnie showing Abe the picture.