Miscellaneous Family Pictures
100_1671.JPG (147389 bytes)

Betty Jo Working the Farm

100_1672.JPG (145521 bytes)

Betty Jo Working the Farm

4WD Mini Truck.jpg (124717 bytes)

Johnnie's Mini Truck

100_1505.JPG (105996 bytes)

Betty Jo, Frances W & Johnnie, Christmas 2004

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Betty Jo with children Christmas 2004

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Ingrid with children

Christmas 2004

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Ingrid and Hank with children

Christmas 2004

100_1551.JPG (91588 bytes)

Yvonne with friends from her work place

100_1556.JPG (127832 bytes)

Darla being cute as ever!

100_1569.JPG (82241 bytes)

Johnnie trying to be convincing!

100_1572.JPG (104188 bytes)

Yvonne, Susan and Betty Jo

100_1575.JPG (106165 bytes)

Betty Jo, Susan, Yvonne and Linda

100_1580.JPG (89807 bytes)

Betty Jo, Susan and Andrew

100_1366.JPG (91950 bytes)

Betty Jo and Megan

100_1370.JPG (109577 bytes)

Aunt Tootsie, Uncle Mack, Uncle Bobby

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You can't stop Nathan

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Aunt Tootsie, Uncle Mack, Uncle Bobby, Aunt Zora and Betty Jo

100_1373.JPG (94770 bytes)

Aunt Zora, cooking away

100_1374.JPG (87753 bytes)

Aunt Zora and Betty Jo

100_1376.JPG (85868 bytes)

Abigail improving Johnnie's image

100_1378.JPG (95561 bytes)

Mother Taylor with her three sisters

100_1379.JPG (108758 bytes)

Mother Taylor with her three sisters

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Betty Jo with her Aunt Tootsie, Aunt Zora, and Aunt Bobbie Jean

100_1382.JPG (156895 bytes)

Yvonne, what you want my picture??

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Yvonne, What do you mean I can't go bye-bye!!

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Everyone should take pictures like Darla

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Poor Andrew he is so tired!

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Lisa and Abigail

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Coy and Jenny have a very nice family

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Shane with good friend Kenny

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Vaughn and Susan will get the Christmas tree up or else!!

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Megan with Dad (Jimmy) Betty Jo in back

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Betty Jo and Tammy visiting with Mother Taylor

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Tammy and Ingrid visiting with Mother Taylor

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Betty Jo and Johnnie trying to look okay in a picture

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Betty Jo and Johnnie trying to look okay in a picture

100_1448.JPG (117631 bytes)

Megan with Dad (Jimmy)

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Justin and Mom (Tammy)

100_1450.JPG (99443 bytes)

Hank says, "Boy am I tired"

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Mom (Betty Jo) with Tony and Andrew

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Mom (Betty Jo) with Tony and Andrew

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Betty Jo & Yvonne with Cousin Sue and her son, Wayne

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We are all enjoying CiCi's Pizza

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Darlene, Ingrid & Betty Jo

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Tammy with other friends from Mother Taylor's work place

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Tammy with other friends from Mother Taylor's work place

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Linda with grandchildren and daughter-in-law (Tammy)

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Ingrid and Linda

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Darla and Megan

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Neal with Sister and her daughter

100_1570.JPG (87828 bytes)

Darla improving Johnnie's image

100_1577.JPG (94063 bytes)

Darla & Betty Jo improving Johnnie's image

100_1578.JPG (98964 bytes)

Yvonne, Susan & Neal

fivegirlsoneboy1.JPG (95623 bytes)

Mother Taylor with her six children

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Jim, Susan & Linda visiting with their mother

susan1.JPG (116668 bytes)

Susan is another one who does not take bad pictures!

trish1.JPG (92367 bytes)

Trish looking very cute!!

trish2.JPG (125309 bytes)

Trish says, "Who me?"

trishyvonnesusan1.JPG (119126 bytes)

Trish, Yvonne & Susan

Andrew at Work

Andrew & Darla

Betty Jo at MT Retirement

Sean & Logan

BJ, JT, Mother T, Yvonne

Betty Jo & Johnnie

Tony2.jpg (140300 bytes)

Tony at his school

Andrew in his office

Dad Taylor

Andrew & BJ in his office

 Marleen & MT

Eric & Jonathan

Susan & Aidan

mother2m.jpg (17171 bytes)


mother3.jpg (94147 bytes)

Mother and Sean

bjchristmascactus.jpg (283324 bytes)

Betty Jo

 Susan & BJ

mother_daddye.jpg (34532 bytes)

Mother & Daddy Estes

five_kids.jpg (661766 bytes)

Linda, Johnnie, Ginger,  Mary Jane & Carroll


daddy.jpg (934464 bytes)

Daddy's Life

Evan Jr.

sean_chantel1.jpg (137540 bytes)

Sean & Chantel


andrewbj2.jpg (139885 bytes)

Andrew and His Mother

bjyvonne1.jpg (99906 bytes)

Betty Jo & Yvonne

andrew2.jpg (147456 bytes)


daddymothertractorboys1.jpg (367322 bytes)

Daddy, Mother, Sean, Jonathan and Eric

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Mother T., Yvonne & BJ

andrew3.jpg (127838 bytes)


bjyvonnemtaylor2.jpg (124457 bytes)

BJ, Mother T.  &  Yvonne

kenny1.jpg (113083 bytes)

Kenny helps Neal

kenny&neal1.jpg (123043 bytes)

Kenny & Neal Working

kenny&neal2.jpg (127723 bytes)

Kenny & Neal Working

linda&kayla1.jpg (99413 bytes)

Linda & Kayla

linda&kayla2.jpg (107329 bytes)

Linda & Kayla

linda&kayla3.jpg (97967 bytes)

Linda & Kayla

motherandsiblings1.jpg (53388 bytes)

Mother & Johnnie's siblings

motherdaddy1.jpg (96666 bytes)

Daddy & Mother

nealyvonne1.jpg (128877 bytes)

Neal and Wife Yvonne

neal1.jpg (130255 bytes)

Neal showing cabinet

seanchantel1.jpg (51503 bytes)

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Estes

seanchantel3.jpg (102329 bytes)

The Boss (Logan) & Mr. & Mrs. Sean Estes

neal3.jpg (136121 bytes)


daniellebaby.jpg (47325 bytes)

Danielle's & Billy's Young Son

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Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gebbia

Sean & Chantel were married March 5, 2004

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Andrew & Darla at home

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Yvonne being very cute!

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Yvonne and Susan a little dark

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Andrew and Darla looking great!