Nice Houston Visit
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Our recent visit to Houston to see family and friends, a wonderful trip!!

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Frances W in her apartment

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Frances & Betty Jo chatting

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Frances ready to go for dinner

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Betty Jo saying goodbye

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Johnnie, Goodbye to Frances

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Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie

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Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie

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Betty Jo, Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie

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Frances saying goodbye

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Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie

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Betty Jo, Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie

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Uncle Bobby, Aunt Tootsie & Johnnie

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Uncle Bobby, Aunt Tootsie & Johnnie

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Uncle Bobby & Aunt Tootsie's beautiful home

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Uncle Bobby, Aunt Tootsie & Johnnie

We had a wonderful time with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Tootsie.  We enjoyed staying with them and going out to dinner with them.  They are the perfect host.

It was wonderful the time spent with Frances W as well.  We even got to see Dalton for a short period of time.  We drove by and saw Dalton's home too, and it is definitely nice.  Frances's apartment and where she lives is storybook it is so nice.  Beautiful place.

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